Rice Bran Oil (Oryza Sativa) 100% Natural Pure Carrier Oil

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About this item

  • It is a Carrier Oil.
  • Extraction Method- Cold pressed
  • Rice Bran Oil helps damaged skin like Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis. Sunburn, Stretch Arks Burns, Cuts, Scars, Acne And Celluite.
  • Color - Light yellow to clear with slightly nutty
  • For External Use And Aromatherapy Only Pure And Natural



  • It is a Carrier Oil.
  • Extraction Method- Cold pressed
  • Rice Bran Oil helps damaged skin like Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis. Sunburn, Stretch Arks Burns, Cuts, Scars, Acne And Celluite.
  • Color - Light yellow to clear with slightly nutty
  • For External Use And Aromatherapy Only Pure And Natural




When it comes to skin and hair care, natural oils can prove to be quite beneficial. Rice bran oil is the oil extracted from the hard outer brown layer of rice called chaff (rice husk). If you wish to have soft, supple and nourished skin, then natural oils can do wonders as they have their own unique set of skin-benefiting properties.

Hair care: Rice bran oil is rich in natural ingredients that help nourish the hair. If you happen to have frizzy hair, then bring this oil to your rescue as regular use of this useful oil could possibly make your hair thicker and easily manageable. To reap its benefits, massage your hair using this oil before hair wash. It will keep your hair follicles healthy.

UV Rays: The sun could get pretty merciless to your skin. To prevent damage caused due to sun's UV Rays you can use some rice bran oil. Take 2 drops of rice bran oil and gently massage it over your face until it is fully absorbed. This oil will protect your skin from pollution and also act as a natural sunscreen.
